March 9, 2012

A Complete 180

For all of you who prefer Paul’s shorter posts, I am providing one today.  :)  By God’s grace and your faithful prayers, I feel a hundred times better than I did last week.  I have not had any further fevers, chills, rigors, or nausea, and the headaches have been held to a minimum.  I’m still tired, and I still have to behave :/, still need my naps, still have to take all my meds, still can’t go a lot of places or be around little ones, but this is the best I’ve felt since before I started the treatments.

My numbers have come up steadily this week (from 0 to 1 to 2).  And so far, I have not had a reaction to the Neupogen.

God is good.  He was good last week too, even though I felt so bad, because He carried me through.   It gave me an opportunity to see just a little of what the transplant process and side effects might be like.  He is preparing me for what is to come.  Thank you, God, for this week’s respite!

"Praise the Lord; praise God our Savior!  For each day He carries us in His arms."
Psalm 68:19 NLT


  1. This is very good news. I can see your pretty smile after each sentence.
