June 1, 2012

Days 27-30. My New Normal?

Tuesday, Day 27, started early with CT preparations, including a delicious berry-flavored barium drink ingested slowly on an empty stomach, then I don a lovely scrub set, followed by insertion of an IV line (no, they can't use my CVC because there will be contrast utilized), and then a second berry drink. They did a chest x-ray during this time as well. Once I was good and coated, they took me back to the machine room where the young gentlemen have me finish the last glug, lie down on the comfy accommodations, roll me over a bit to insert the last in humiliation and discomfort, then put my hands over my head on the box provided and hook up my IV. They are always very gracious. I have gotten into the swing of these as they will continue for a long time. But I never do like them. They make my tummy nervous on the day of the event. Not getting to eat, taking meds on an empty stomach, and drinking barium obviously doesn't help. The test itself is no big deal. Breath deep, hold your breath, breathe. Some tests are done with and without the contrast, which goes through my IV. It feels warm and kind of weird. But no big deal. Lots of water and trips to the bathroom are required the rest of the day.

From there we went to have labs drawn. Since I had Monday off, they had to do the live stick to check my Tacro levels. Then we were off to the ATC where I slept for most of my three hour infusion. I think Paul walked around a bit, but he was there when I woke up. That was our actual anniversary. Our nurse asked if we had a love story, so we happily told her ours. She was so cute!

Once we were done, we headed back to mom's for dinner and evening on the back porch. Unfortunately, nausea seems to again be my daily visitor, just not as severely as before.

Wednesday, Day 28, Aunt Polly was my care driver one more time before heading off for vacation. We agreed that even though neither of us would have chosen the circumstances, it has been a blessing to spend the extended time with each of my care drivers! It's been a once in a lifetime experience. The typical ATC day includes labs, vitals, then ATC...a three-hour infusion of whatever fluids I need that day as determined by the labs. On my days off, I have a portable pump, bags of saline fluid, and saline flushes for my line so I can do my infusion at home.

We have noticed a pattern of feeling bad every five days or so. This was day five. :/ I was nauseated all day and finally lost the battle that evening. Fortunately, I have a variety of nausea drugs depending on what's going on. The highlight of the evening was our pastor and his wife coming over bearing dinner, dessert, and anniversary flowers. (I had just been approved for cut flowers. Still no dirt.). Unfortunately, I didn't get to enjoy it's deliciousness until the next day, but it was yummy and appreciated. The company, conversation, and prayers were equally so.

Thursday, Day 29, was my day off. Paul came home for lunch to help me with my pump. Next time, I'll be able to do it by myself. Ron took my mom to a new ENT doctor and they were both very pleased and encouraged. He is referred to as "Dr. Dizzy". He was very thorough in both verbal and physical examination. They are scheduled to go back on June 13th. Thank you for your continued prayer for my mom. She is healing from the fall, but is definitely having dizzy spells every day. My Aunt Dottie and Ms. Virginia are both recovering in rehab facilities, and Ms. Sue is still in the hospital.

I started an "exercise program" on my off/home days. I put that in quotes because right now it doesn't seem very impressive. Mother has a treadmill and an exercise bike. My doctor said to start small, and I did. I was only able to do five minutes on each at the lowest setting. But it's a start!

Today, Day 30, Bonnie is driving me to my ATC appointment followed by my rescheduled bone marrow biopsy. This will be the first time that I won't have Paul there for this procedure. Pray for Bonnie! I may be leaning on her a bit more than normal by the end of the day.

Then, if all of my numbers are good, I get the entire weekend off...with pump! What a joy! And if that goes well, my "new normal" will be Tuesday/Friday ATC, pump and exercise other days, home on weekends. Sounds glorious!

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