July 31, 2012

Day 90. Answers...of sorts.

While many questions received their definitive answer, most were given various scenarios and possibilities. We learned that the ever famous GVHD debut was only the beginning. The upcoming show might not start until between 6-36 months. Praying that it's one show that doesn't open!

I have been given the go-ahead to start moving back home, but we are going to wait until the final 100 days so Paul can finish out the projects around here at Mom's and just to be on the safe side until I get my final test results back. Speaking of Paul, please pray for him specifically as his back has gone out in a bad way. Of course, is there a good way?!  He has been in pain since Sunday. He's always in some amount of pain, but this is the "take ya down" kind. Please pray for miraculous relief.

We also learned that when we are allowed to go home, we will be allowed to go to the country, as long as we have a plan of action in case of emergency and a fresh water source. That was exciting news to both of us!  While I have to be careful not to over do it, just getting to that place of rest and relaxation would be heavenly...once it cools off a bit!

We learned more about how long I'll be on my meds. Six months for some.  A year or more for others. Longer for a few. As I transition home, I will also transition back to my home oncologist over by Willowbrook and will hopefully be able to drive myself. I will miss my wonderful conversations with Bonnie and Renee who have faithfully driven me all these weeks.  We will have to connect in other ways.

As I go home, I will need to create a modest routine to include exercise and my nap, being mindful to maintain balance. The headaches seem to behave the best when that balance is kept.

I am going to be able to see my grandchildren as long as no one is sick, has been recently immunized, and my energy level cooperates. That alone ought to make me feel better. I still have to be very careful with any children under 12 for the next two years, until my immunizations are complete. Any children who come over or who are around me must wash their hands thoroughly (to the count of the "Happy Birthday" song) and change their clothes if coming home from school. Sounds drastic, but those are the rules. I'm just thankful for the provision.

One of the scary things we learned was that I will always, as in for the rest of my life, have to watch out for the earliest signs of a cold. I will always be susceptible to pneumonia, even though my lungs checked out great. I will not be allowed to ride out a cold like most of us do. I'll have to go in. :/

I will also have to wear a medic bracelet stating that I am a bone marrow transplant recipient and must have irradiated blood products. If I were in an accident and unconscious and given regular blood, the T-cells in the new blood would mix with mine and my donors reactivating the GVHD and kill me. We don't want to do that.  So I'll be getting the bracelet!

The first words out of their mouths continue to be, "No gardening!"  The are really serious about that one, much to my chagrin.  For a year.  Ugh!  But they have let up a bit on the house cleaning. If I use products that hold the dust down (like Endust, Swiffer, etc.) and wear my mask and gloves, then I can clean in small increments. Yay!  But I'd rather work in the yard....

With regard to energy levels, it has become fairly clear that it's going to be a couple years before I will be close to my old self. And even then, my new normal probably won't be anything like my old normal.  I am learning to embrace that.

Throughout this entire journey, we have learned to take one day at a time. I may feel fine one day and not so fine the next and have no clue why. What we do know is that God has been and is here with us every day. His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness!


  1. Praying for both of you, and your sweet mom. You all are so very precious, and I thank God for you. You were a blessing to be around the few times I got to bring supper. BTW, email me at: beckterp@gmail.com if you want to hear anything about my trip to WV to a Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Center. We learned a lot about why people are getting so sick. Lots of good books and DVD's out there. My parents and I are on a juice fast this week, feeling great.
    Love ya,
    B Sue

  2. Hey, I didn't know about the medic bracelet! I'm at the hospital for my monthly checkup and Pentamadine treatment. I'm going to ask. Why wouldn't they tell me that? That's weird. I know that I'm supposed to have irradiated blood; I guess I assumed all blood was that way.
