April 29, 2012

Day -3. The Right Mix of Meds

After a two-day battle of side-effects from the chemo and the side-effect medications, my nurse/doctor team finally found the right mix of meds to handle the severe headache, nausea, and constipation. All I can say is that I'm glad it's under control...for the time being. I needed a break!

Tomorrow is my first day of ATG, a very aggressive immuno-suppressant drug. Don't be surprised if the name of tomorrow's post is "Shake & Bake" since that is what we've been told to expect. :/

For now, for tonight, I think I'll be able to sleep. And for that I am thankful.

"Goodnight room. Goodnight moon.... Goodnight stars. Goodnight air. Goodnight noises everywhere."


  1. Hang in there sweet Tamara! God is with you every step of the way as are we all who love you so much. I have faith that He will take away fear and bring you peace during this difficult time. Soon you will be on the other side of this, and we will all help you recover! XXOO

  2. So glad to hear you're getting a little relief! I didn't get ATG, but Prograf (tacrolimus) and Selcept (sp?), and they definitely made me shake, but not bake. May God grant you comfort, rest, and much grace!
