May 25, 2012

Days 22-23. So...Here's the Plan.

Thursday, Day 22, started with about the same level of discomfort as I came in with. Because I was admitted on a clear liquids only diet, I had vegetable broth, hot tea, and apple juice for breakfast. Four sips of the broth brought a return of the nausea, but I was able to keep down the tea and juice. As far as I recall, my med regimen continued as it was for that day while planning to schedule a visit from the neurological team. By the afternoon, I was feeling better. That was not unusual because I have been having regular highs and lows. Paul worked about half a day and then brought my things up.

Friday, Day 23. If I don't write right away, I have a difficult time remembering what all happened. But here's the gist. Sometime yesterday morning, my rounds team came in and told me that the neurology team would be in later for an evaluation. The plan was to change the plan. They allowed me to get back on my regular diet minus fresh fruits and vegetables, so that was a nice relief. My buddy, Dave, was here having tests so he dropped by for a visit in between. The Neurology Intern came while he was here and did a thorough verbal and physical history and evaluation. The main concern was to get me off the scheduled Maxalt as it can cause rebound headaches at that level and can reduce it's effectiveness, as I had already begun to notice. It originally held off the pain for the entire eight hour stretch. Then the headache was returning after six hours, then four hours, and other pain meds were having to be utilized to make up the difference.

She asked if I had ever used a type of migraine preventative in the past. I had. Topamax. I was on it for years until I took myself off of it after my hysterectomy in '07. The migraines had been greatly reduced since that time.

Later, the Neurology Doctor joined the intern and confirmed the plan to start me back on Topomax a little at a time. It has to be built up gradually. At the same time, they would start me on a steroid to stop the headache cycle. The goal is to get me on a pill regimen that will allow me to go home and keep the headaches under control. They think that if the headaches can be controlled, the nausea will be as well. Here's hoping.

They are also talking about moving me back to the transplant floor, so I guess I am going to be here for another day or so. Paul and I are just hoping that I am out in time for us to have a home day on Monday for an early anniversary celebration. Tuesday, our actual anniversary, will be spent all day at MDA having all the tests needed to see how much leukemia is left and how much the donor cells have engrafted.

I did wake this morning with a headache, and my only option was a small dose of Dilaudid. And for the first time after them checking every day, my hands are swollen. Not sure what that means.

So the prayer requests are that this new plan will work to control the headaches and nausea and that I will get to go home at least by Sunday.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

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